This is just to say thanks to all those
Ebay sellers out there who create online
auctions and buy now prices for so many
Stephen Gayford wildlife prints and
other items, too. I have bought a few
of the prints and canvas prints, as well
as some Christmas Greeting cards, so I
know just how much care and consideration
goes into the packing and posting of these
bulky, yet fragile pictures. I am also
thankful for every single close-up photo
of the front and back of the prints, too.
Several of the Ebay sellers were ready,
willing and able to respond to my queries.
Some even accepted the best offers I made.
I can set the display for showing up to
200 pictures of these auctions at a time.
I can then save as a complete web page
to act as a quick reference when offline.
Every now and then, Ebay sends me an email
which offers me a 20% off an auction price.
Maybe one day I'll be extra tempted to buy a
really large canvas print. You never know!
Denis Martindale August 2016.