Wednesday, 22 July 2009


The lion looked with such a look,
That's called your deepest fears...
And with your courage that he took,
Bravado disappears!
Have you the strength to move your hand?
Or lift your arm above?
Or is your movement slowly planned,
As timid as a dove?
Have you the power left to run,
The stamina to flee?
Or is the battle lost not won
And his the victory?
So many questions fill your mind...
The lion gives you time...
Just think of what he has outlined,
This super cat sublime...
He licks his lips while you're perplexed,
This prince of past pursuits
And thinks of what will happen next,
While you shake in your boots!
Intimidation, that's his game!
It's how he gets his kicks!
He lacks all conscience, knows no shame
And you've run out of tricks!
It's time to pray! God knows your need!
Ask Him as Daniel would...
For God helped Samson to succeed,
To do the feats he could.
A humble plea's more powerful
When God is on your side!
Let God grant you a miracle!
His arms will open wide...

Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2009.

My Poetry website:

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Intimidation'.
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The Gayford poems can be viewed here: or

The framed pictures are bought from these UK websites: (on UK Freeview)