Behold the lion first to feast...
Behold his majesty!
This is no timid, gentle beast,
No coward soul has he!
His golden mane adorns his form
As he surveys his land...
And it does more than keep him warm,
It helps us understand...
This alpha male, this awesome king,
This sovereign meant to rule.
This titan feared by everything
That's wise and not a fool...
This monument to grand design,
This creature cruel and kind...
This legend will forever shine
Inside each heart and mind.
His growls are fierce and frightening,
They pierce us every time...
With nought held back, like lightning,
Courageous and sublime!
Behold the beast, so widely famed,
Triumphant to the end...
With strength increased, he stands untamed,
On that you can depend!
Don't stand too close! Those sharp teeth bite!
Those claws are meant to scratch!
How few are those who want to fight!
They know they've met their match!
If you're not Samson, run and hide...
Survival is the key...
With all the wisdom God's supplied...
Avoid his majesty!
Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2009.
My Poetry website:
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'His Majesty'.
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