Of all the meerkats that I've seen,
The laziest of all,
Was one who woke up not quite keen
And he was known as Paul...
While others woke up with a smile
And grinned from ear-to-ear,
That Paul would always stretch a while
Before he would appear...
While that first hour soon passed by,
The others went above
And though they saw that birds could fly,
They thought their gifts enough...
But Paul would merely squint and stare,
For him, things looked the same...
Ho-hum, he said, without a care,
No extra joy to claim...
The young ones scampered left and right,
Jumped over rocks and such,
While keeping parents still in sight,
Because they cared so much...
But Paul was lonesome as could be,
No girlfriend yet at all...
Dear God, please end his misery,
Grant Paul a miracle!
Denis Martindale June 2017.
A poem based on the magnificent Stephen Gayford
wildlife painting. Google search phrases
gayford prints and Stephen Gayford poetry
and also for Heaven and Earth Designs...
Poem shared here:
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