This is a customised setup for Stephen Gayford
wildlife prints which includes the details for the
price and postage bids, or buy now costs, as well
as a P for Paypal payment option, plus auction
ITEM NUMBER and with a watch now link, too.
The ITEM NUMBER is useful to know, as it can
help with the main auction picture s-l1600 size.
Highlight, copy and paste the number to view: then item number.jpg
It's the shortcut for the longer style URL format:
Shortcut URL:
That uses the picclick website image access...
Edit URL for ebay auction number for image jpg.
While useful, the picclick Stephen Gayford search
adds the all-important picture title for the images,
so they're easier to identify in the cache of the
Temporary Internet Files later on...
Denis Martindale December 2016.
Search tips for the magnificent Stephen Gayford
wildlife prints on Ebay. Google search phrases
gayford prints and Stephen Gayford poetry
and also for Heaven and Earth Designs...
HAED finished pieces gallery:
Please click the link and then click on the left
of screen link for "Show Albums and Stories".
Several HAED Fantasy Art artists have pictures
on my website click-a-pic full screen galleries
slideshows, including some wildlife pictures.