Well done, surviving all this time
With bargains day by day!
With Megadrops that look sublime,
'Cos there's much less to pay!
I've saved a fortune, yes, indeed!
I like to go compare!
I've bought much more than I could need,
That's why some gifts I share!
With Stephen Gayford prints galore
And watches week by week,
Enough to open up a store
With items quite unique...
With bedding and with curtains, too,
With shoes and clothes and such,
No wonder that I like Freeview...
Yes, thank you, oh, so much!
You've done us proud! It's true to say...
You've thrilled us to the core...
God bless you on your birthday!
May you have many more!
Denis Martindale, copyright, 7th October 2011.
The poem was read out on the bid tv channel,
shared by Charlie and Jules and thanks to a
Freeview recording of this, the poem can be
found on youtube.com (denismartindalebidtv).