A proper little gangster glared,
Ferociously at first,
At anyone who stopped and stared
And dared to do their worst...
Then confrontation reared its head,
Hell-bent upon a fight,
As if he had no sense of dread
And in it took delight...
So he asked, 'You talking to me?
There's no-one else around!'
He glared with utmost emnity,
As if meant to astound...
Yet there he was, a simple soul,
No muscles and no brawn,
Just beady eyes as black as coal
And smirking full of scorn...
I looked at him and laughed out loud!
I sniggered to his face!
To see him all puffed up and proud,
As if he owned the place!
I left him there, unharmed, unhurt,
Still thinking he looked cool...
In truth, he was a harmless squirt,
A poor deluded fool...
Denis Martindale, copyright, April 2011.
My Poetry website: http://poem.says.it
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'You Talking To Me?'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Shared on
Shortcut: http://tinyurl.com/youtalkingtome
The Stephen Gayford Gallery website is here:
Update: My poem, 'An Ode To Stephen Gayford' is
featured in the website's News Section!
There's also a Guest Book!
The Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
http://tinyurl.com/gayfordpoems or
The framed pictures are bought from these UK websites:
http://www.bid.tv (on UK Freeview)
http://www.price-drop.tv (on UK Freeview)