White tiger cubs are harmless guys,
He's got no need to kill...
He's cute and cuddly with blue eyes
That draw you closer still...
His Daddy knows he's innocent,
His Mummy knows it, too...
To everyone, he's just a friend...
He'll be a friend to you...
His Daddy knows he's quite the lad,
His Mummy looks so proud...
His Brother thinks he's not so bad...
He does what he's allowed...
His Sister's way too self-involved
To give him any mind,
Yet she admits he's quite resolved
To leave all cares behind...
His Daddy watches all he does,
His Mummy dotes as well...
His Brother doesn't really fuss,
His Sister, who can tell?
His family! That's all he knows!
With them, he hopes to stay...
He's innocent... until he grows...
But then, WATCH OUT! OK?
Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2010.
My Poetry website: http://poem.says.it
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Innocent'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Shared on http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/innocent-6/
The Stephen Gayford Gallery website is here:
Update: My poem, 'An Ode To Stephen Gayford' is featured in
the website's News Section!
There's also a Guest Book!
The Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
http://tinyurl.com/gayfordpoems or
The framed pictures are bought from these UK websites:
http://www.bid.tv (on UK Freeview)
http://www.price-drop.tv (on UK Freeview)