Tuesday, 28 September 2010


The sit-up tv channels have added an extra website which includes Stephen Gayford wildlife prints.


The shortcut to the Gayford prints is here:


Or just log in then search for gayford and set up to see all items starting from the lowest price and ascending...

Currently priced as low as £20 plus £5 delivery, the second purchase is just £1 delivery. Existing customers for bid tv and price-drop tv and speedauction tv can use their current email and password details or click the login link to their customer number ID and their 4-digit customer PIN number instead.

Much higher prices apply for the limited edition canvas prints as the recent Stephen Gayford Art Evenings on bid tv have shown.

It really pays to check the 3 sit-up tv channel auctions as well as their websites and current auctions as well as the falling prices of their website exclusives.


And why not also check Ebay auctions for auctions and buy now auctions and best offers?


Collectors of fine art could save a fortune just shopping around as some sell their collections online and may provide ones you missed out on during the TV auctions!

Sunday, 5 September 2010


Devotion stirred within her heart,
The lioness looked proud!
Her cub was playful from the start
Whenever folks allowed...
He'd ambush unsuspecting friends,
Close family or not
And bite on every tail that ends
And chew it on the spot!

This biased mother loved her child
Who made the others vexed!
This phase would pass, yet now she smiled
To think what he'd do next!
He was a charmer through and through,
Though some would call him strange...
For chewing tails was nothing new,
No matter how times change.

His tiny teeth would sharpen soon
And folks would bite him back!
His turn would come when he would swoon
Because of their attack!
For now, he thought the world was his!
The little so and so!
Yes, ignorance is sometimes bliss,
But don't chew tails! No, no...

Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2010.

My Poetry website: http://poem.says.it

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Devotion II'.

More Stephen Gayford poems here:

Shared on http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/devotion-30/

The Stephen Gayford Gallery website is here:
Update: My poem, 'An Ode To Stephen Gayford' is featured in
the website's News Section!
There's also a Guest Book!

The Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
http://tinyurl.com/gayfordpoems or

The framed pictures are bought from these UK websites:
http://www.bid.tv (on UK Freeview)
http://www.price-drop.tv (on UK Freeview)


The white wolf stood and stared a while...
The water soothed his feet.
Perhaps he'd search another mile
For food that he could eat.
The sunshine faded, night approached,
A sudden chill was felt...
The silvered twilight moon encroached
And darkness soon was dealt...

The evening sun bid all farewell,
Its time had come and gone,
Replaced by stars that cast their spell
As moonlight carried on...
The stuff of legends now took hold,
He howled his hunger out...
Who knew what wonders would unfold,
What fears to cause men doubt?

Now all his instincts forced his pace,
For he, too, must survive,
Against all odds, through nights and days,
Perchance to stay alive...
It's true that wolves have wily schemes
To brave the midnight storm,
Yet pet dogs dream their pampered dreams,
In comfort, calm and warm...

Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2010.

My Poetry website: http://poem.says.it

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Evening Sun'.

More Stephen Gayford poems here:

Shared on http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/evening-sun-2/
Shortcut: http://tinyurl.com/eveningsun

The Stephen Gayford Gallery website is here:
Update: My poem, 'An Ode To Stephen Gayford' is featured in
the website's News Section!
There's also a Guest Book!

The Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
http://tinyurl.com/gayfordpoems or

The framed pictures are bought from these UK websites:
http://www.bid.tv (on UK Freeview)
http://www.price-drop.tv (on UK Freeview)


The leopard laid low to ambush
Whatever came his way.
When hunger gives big cats a push,
They'll hunt the livelong day.
His whiskers twitched as tensions grew,
He dare not tap his toes,
He merely crouched, maintained his view
Of passing friends and foes...

His back was stretched, at peace for now,
No awkward pains to bear...
While he was poised with furrowed brow
And one almighty stare!
He licked his lips imagining
The thrill the chase would be,
The feast the drawn-out day could bring
If all went hopefully...

His stomach rumbled without shame!
He licked his lips again!
He lacked all guilt, all sense of blame,
Until the moment when
All hell broke loose, the chase was on!
His body was a blur...
And suddenly! One life was gone,
His mouth was full of fur...

Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2010.

My Poetry website: http://poem.says.it

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Ambush'.

More Stephen Gayford poems here:

Shared on http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/ambush-7/

The Stephen Gayford Gallery website is here:
Update: My poem, 'An Ode To Stephen Gayford' is featured in
the website's News Section!
There's also a Guest Book!

The Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
http://tinyurl.com/gayfordpoems or

The framed pictures are bought from these UK websites:
http://www.bid.tv (on UK Freeview)
http://www.price-drop.tv (on UK Freeview)


Two tigers rested, both at peace,
No arguments at all,
No disagreements to release,
No sudden need to brawl...
Serenity was in the air,
Tranquillity sublime...
As if they had all day to spare
And yet not waste their time...

They gently breathed the sunshine in,
As if they felt caressed...
No pesky flies, no tails to spin,
Contented and so blessed...
Was this their dreamworld filled with love?
Was this their answered prayer?
If so, perfection proved enough
That they were glad to share...

If only Man had peace like this!
A place to sculpt or paint,
A paradise of precious bliss,
So delicate, so quaint...
Where music lilted lyrically,
Like waterfalls at play...
Like Heaven, where God's majesty
The angels praise each day...

Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2010.

My Poetry website: http://poem.says.it

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Close Companions'.

More Stephen Gayford poems here:

Shared on http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/close-companions/
Shortcut: http://tinyurl.com/closecompanions

The Stephen Gayford Gallery website is here:
Update: My poem, 'An Ode To Stephen Gayford' is featured in
the website's News Section!
There's also a Guest Book!

The Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
http://tinyurl.com/gayfordpoems or

The framed pictures are bought from these UK websites:
http://www.bid.tv (on UK Freeview)
http://www.price-drop.tv (on UK Freeview)


As if washed clean and left to dry,
The lion looked supreme!
His mane like snowflakes floating by
To shimmer gleam by gleam...
The light shone down with highlights there,
So picturesque, so fine...
With close-up detail, hair by hair,
Majestic, line by line...

His eyes observed the land he ruled,
His lion cubs at play...
He knew that soon each would be schooled
To hunt the local prey...
His lioness was nearby, too,
To fill his heart with pride...
Together they'd found pastures new...
He felt real good inside...

He was her knight, her champion,
Her friend without a doubt...
With cubs, new life to carry on,
When adults must bow out...
Each lion leaves a legacy
That's always action-packed!
God grants each cub a destiny
That Man must leave intact...

Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2010.

My Poetry website: http://poem.says.it

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'White Knight'.

More Stephen Gayford poems here:

Shared on http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/white-knight-2/

The Stephen Gayford Gallery website is here:
Update: My poem, 'An Ode To Stephen Gayford' is featured in
the website's News Section!
There's also a Guest Book!

The Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
http://tinyurl.com/gayfordpoems or

The framed pictures are bought from these UK websites:
http://www.bid.tv (on UK Freeview)
http://www.price-drop.tv (on UK Freeview)

Saturday, 4 September 2010


The meerkats looked and looked and looked,
But nothing was in sight!
Yet all day long, the sun had cooked
And fried and fried and fried!

They'd stood their ground, while standing tall,
Through teamwork, each was safe...
When evening came, I watched them all,
Defiant, noble, brave...

Then suddenly, they huddled close,
Like bugs upon a rug...
Now crouched up tight, each cuddled nose
Caressed in their group hug!

I've never seen the like before!
So intimate, so sweet...
A parable I'll not ignore:
Love makes our lives complete!

I'm not the sort to cuddle folks!
Most folks don't seem to care!
I'd be the butt of countless jokes,
If I should ever dare!

Yet should I envy the meerkat,
With friends on every side?
Oi, you! Watch out! Whose foot was that?
Be careful, pal... all right?

Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2010.

My Poetry website: http://poem.says.it

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Group Hug'.

More Stephen Gayford poems here:

Shared on http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/group-hug/

The Stephen Gayford Gallery website is here:
Update: My poem, 'An Ode To Stephen Gayford' is featured in
the website's News Section!
There's also a Guest Book!

The Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
http://tinyurl.com/gayfordpoems or

The framed pictures are bought from these UK websites:
http://www.bid.tv (on UK Freeview)
http://www.price-drop.tv (on UK Freeview)


White tiger cubs are harmless guys,
He's got no need to kill...
He's cute and cuddly with blue eyes
That draw you closer still...
His Daddy knows he's innocent,
His Mummy knows it, too...
To everyone, he's just a friend...
He'll be a friend to you...

His Daddy knows he's quite the lad,
His Mummy looks so proud...
His Brother thinks he's not so bad...
He does what he's allowed...
His Sister's way too self-involved
To give him any mind,
Yet she admits he's quite resolved
To leave all cares behind...

His Daddy watches all he does,
His Mummy dotes as well...
His Brother doesn't really fuss,
His Sister, who can tell?
His family! That's all he knows!
With them, he hopes to stay...
He's innocent... until he grows...
But then, WATCH OUT! OK?

Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2010.
My Poetry website: http://poem.says.it

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Innocent'.

More Stephen Gayford poems here:

Shared on http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/innocent-6/

The Stephen Gayford Gallery website is here:

Update: My poem, 'An Ode To Stephen Gayford' is featured in
the website's News Section!

There's also a Guest Book!

The Stephen Gayford poems can be viewed here:
http://tinyurl.com/gayfordpoems or

The framed pictures are bought from these UK websites:
http://www.bid.tv (on UK Freeview)
http://www.price-drop.tv (on UK Freeview)