Monday, 29 May 2017


When I observe God's creatures here,
How artists pick and choose,
The animals they hold most dear,
The scenery they use...
Well, I reflect on those not shared,
The less adorable,
You see none of these artists cared,
Beyond the beautiful...

And yet, some artists still omit
The classic creatures here,
Because they just don't care one bit
On how these could appear...
I'd rather be a genius,
An artist truly blessed,
To share what God has shared with us,
Not just the very best...

I would be doing all I could,
Beyond cute dogs and cats,
Beyond the horse that nobly stood,
The parrot known for chats...
If I could paint a dolphin's smile,
That would be out of sight!
As long as I could paint with style,
Each morning, noon and night!

Denis Martindale May 2017.

A poem based on the magnificent Stephen Gayford
wildlife paintings. Google search phrases
gayford prints and Stephen Gayford poetry
and also for Heaven and Earth Designs...

Poem shared here:


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HAED finished pieces gallery:

Please click the link and then click on the left
of screen link for "Show Albums and Stories".

Several HAED Fantasy Art artists have pictures
on my website click-a-pic full screen galleries
slideshows, including some wildlife pictures.



When I reflect on Nature's realm
And all that God has made,
To see the Lord still at the helm
While beauty's here displayed,
I look at tiny birds nearby,
As I, in England live,
To see them fly across the sky
And think what joys they give.

I cannot fly! I walk this Earth!
Yet they ascend above,
That proves to me that each has worth,
Deserving of Man's love...
That's why we feed the birds that roam
Our gardens day-by-day,
Or even little birds at home,
Protected there O.K.

I like the robins most of all,
They cheer me up no end,
To me, each seems a miracle,
To me, each seems a friend...
And freedom proves their blessing still,
When Christmas comes, I'm glad...
Because each robin brings a thrill,
I've no need to feel sad...

Denis Martindale May 2017.

A poem based on the magnificent Stephen Gayford
wildlife paintings. Google search phrases
gayford prints and Stephen Gayford poetry
and also for Heaven and Earth Designs...

Poem shared here:


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HAED finished pieces gallery:

Please click the link and then click on the left
of screen link for "Show Albums and Stories".

Several HAED Fantasy Art artists have pictures
on my website click-a-pic full screen galleries
slideshows, including some wildlife pictures.



On Sky TV, I watched two shows
That told the big cats' tales,
Of how their journey grows and grows
Thanks to these alpha males...
From land-to-land and shore-to-shore,
Exploring here and there,
Surviving all by tooth and claw,
No matter how unfair...

Whatever big cats choose to eat,
They hunt and kill each day,
They use their heads, their backs, their feet,
Designed to catch their prey...
They crawl, they walk, they run, they leap,
They glide from tree-to-tree,
Sometimes they hide, sometimes they creep,
With awesome subtlety...

Then came the cute domestic cats,
That feed on fish and such,
That live inside our homes and flats,
Caressed and loved so much...
With prints and paintings on our walls,
Displaying all they are,
God's precious, mighty miracles,
For each cat looks a star!

Denis Martindale May 2017.

A poem based on the magnificent Stephen Gayford
wildlife painting. Google search phrases
gayford prints and Stephen Gayford poetry
and also for Heaven and Earth Designs...

Search for Sky One's two shows, BIG CATS!

Poem shared here:


Printer-friendly text version, nb increase text size:

HAED finished pieces gallery:

Please click the link and then click on the left
of screen link for "Show Albums and Stories".

Several HAED Fantasy Art artists have pictures
on my website click-a-pic full screen galleries
slideshows, including some wildlife pictures.


Monday, 22 May 2017


'Oh, what a day!', the tiger thought,
'So hot, so very hot!'
So when his strength had come to nought,
He sought a cooler spot...
It was as if he pined for this,
Like one who understands,
Because he knew what joy there is
In making future plans...

The water hole awaited those
Who knew its blessings well,
The ones in whom God's favour grows,
Each with some tale to tell...
And when that tiger waded in,
He savoured his retreat,
He greeted it with such a grin,
As if life seemed so sweet...

Wet legs and back and whiskers, too,
Heat fading fast away,
Yet all that tiger had to do
Was stay there... simply stay...
And once the healing waters flowed,
That tiger's heart was glad,
Because, by grace, that hour showed
Life wasn't all that bad!

Denis Martindale May 2017.

A poem based on the magnificent Stephen Gayford
wildlife painting. Google search phrases
gayford prints and Stephen Gayford poetry
and also for Heaven and Earth Designs...

Poem shared here:


Printer-friendly text version, nb increase text size:

HAED finished pieces gallery:

Please click the link and then click on the left
of screen link for "Show Albums and Stories".

Several HAED Fantasy Art artists have pictures
on my website click-a-pic full screen galleries
slideshows, including some wildlife pictures.



The lion and the lioness
Were restful and serene
And savouring how life can bless
Each one as king and queen...
Such that, adorned in glowing gold,
Their love came shining through,
As if their partnership took hold
In all that they would do...

Thus neither needed to display
Their status at that time,
As both embraced life, come what may,
While they were in their prime...
For now, they ruled, that fact was plain,
Though others sought a throne,
The land was theirs, their sole domain,
God's gift for them to own...

Yet God can give and God can take,
Of that there was no doubt,
They must protect what stood at stake,
With rivals still about...
Yet they, together, set the stage,
How royals should behave,
When not locked up inside a cage,
No longer strong and brave...

Denis Martindale May 2017.

A poem based on the magnificent Stephen Gayford
wildlife painting. Google search phrases
gayford prints and Stephen Gayford poetry
and also for Heaven and Earth Designs...

Poem shared here:


Printer-friendly text version, nb increase text size:

HAED finished pieces gallery:

Please click the link and then click on the left
of screen link for "Show Albums and Stories".

Several HAED Fantasy Art artists have pictures
on my website click-a-pic full screen galleries
slideshows, including some wildlife pictures.



The elephants were walking on,
As strong as tanks that day,
Beneath the sun that daily shone
Till night drew it away...
The elephants had time to spare,
No need to run ahead,
They crossed the land without a care,
No trace of fear or dread...

Kilimanjaro set the scene,
Snow-capped, it touched the sky,
Unmoving, tranquil and serene,
While life on Earth passed by...
Majestic, yes, yet not alive,
Unfeeling every hour,
The elephants must still survive,
Preserving life's true power...

It's only life that indwells time,
Aware of every thought,
Appreciating things sublime
Of good and wise report...
It's elephants that make a stand,
Protecting one and all,
Surveying what the Lord has planned
Within life's miracle...

Denis Martindale May 2017.

A poem based on the magnificent Stephen Gayford
wildlife painting. Google search phrases
gayford prints and Stephen Gayford poetry
and also for Heaven and Earth Designs...

Poem shared here:


Printer-friendly text version, nb increase text size:

HAED finished pieces gallery:

Please click the link and then click on the left
of screen link for "Show Albums and Stories".

Several HAED Fantasy Art artists have pictures
on my website click-a-pic full screen galleries
slideshows, including some wildlife pictures.
