Friday, 24 March 2017


This was originally dated March 2010 and was
from the rear panel of one of his limited prints.


Stephen was born in London in l954 and has
been devoted to wildlife and art ever since
he can remember.

Since combining these two passions to
become a full-time wildlife artist some
twenty years ago, he has had several major
one-man exhibitions in London and the
Channel Islands and was a participant in the
prestigious 25th Anniversary Celebrations
of Gerald Durrell's Jersey Zoo Trust.

A Limited Edition was produced and the
first 100 were counter-signed by Gerald
Durrell, with proceeds donated to the Trust.

Stephen is renowned for his meticulous
attention to detail and his extensive
knowledge of what he paints. He will go
to great length to ensure the accuracy
and authenticity of both subject matter
and habitat.

He travels extensively to USA, Canada,
Kenya and Tanzania on field trips to study
the unique wildlife of those regions. His most
recent expedition was to Northern India for
two weeks in January 1999 to study tigers
in their natural habitat. The end result of
this field trip was a series of paintings that
were included in a major exhibition at the
prestigious American Art Gallery in April
that year. One of his great concerns is for
the conservation and future of wildlife and
the habitat which is vital to their survival.
To this end he is a member of several
conservation organisations.

His works are sought after by collectors in the
United States, Europe, middle and Far East -
some collectors having acquired up to thirty of
his large originals.

Stephen is now self-publishing several of his
own works in Limited Edition form.


Osborne & Allen distributed limited prints to
the UK, mainly through the UK Shopping TV
channels shown on Sky, Freesat and Freeview.


Stephen Gayford Poems Titles:


1. * Beyond The Art Ache... 1/22/2016
2. * Stephen Gayford 6/15/2009
3. * The Prince Of Prints 1/31/2011
4. A Brush With Genius 12/15/2011
5. A Cool Place 7/19/2010
6. A Legion Of Lions! 9/12/2016
7. A Mother's Protection 10/14/2012
8. A Regal Pose 11/14/2012
9. A Walk In The Sun 1/25/2011
10. Adorable 7/27/2009
11. Adorable Ii 10/16/2010
12. Adoration 8/10/2012
13. Affection! 7/6/2016
14. African Beauty! 1/2/2014
15. African Cape Buffalo 10/28/2015
16. African Evening 5/18/2009
17. African Giant 7/22/2009
18. African Gold 7/5/2016
19. African King 7/22/2009
20. African Monarch 1/6/2010
21. African Princes 1/4/2014
22. African Queen! 1/2/2014
23. African Radiance 11/7/2010
24. African Sun 7/23/2009
25. African Sunset 8/30/2010
26. Afternoon Dip 10/16/2010
27. Ain'T Life Tedious? 5/5/2010
28. Almost Extinct 2/16/2013
29. Alpha Male 11/26/2013
30. Alpha Pair 6/15/2009
31. Always Alert 6/6/2013
32. Always Awake 5/21/2012
33. Ambush 9/5/2010
34. Ambusher 12/3/2012
35. American Icon 7/14/2013
36. Another Jungle Pool 12/19/2014
37. Another Stretch 7/27/2013
38. Anticipation 5/21/2013
39. Arctic Apparition 2/25/2012
40. Arctic Beauty 5/27/2009
41. Arctic Fox 8/23/2013
42. Arctic Glow 11/26/2013
43. Arctic Hero? 12/19/2014
44. Arctic Icons 10/9/2012
45. Arctic Spirits 12/24/2013
46. Arctic Sun 11/15/2009
47. Arctic Sun Ii 10/16/2010
48. Arctic Wanderer 11/17/2010
49. Aristocrat 6/10/2009
50. Arrogance 2/25/2012
51. Artwork That Inspires Poetry 11/1/2013
568. The Attack 2/6/2011
52. Attentive 4/21/2012
53. Attentive, Too 4/27/2015
54. Awesome 6/18/2009
55. Back To Back 4/18/2010
56. Badger 10/25/2013
57. Badger Family 12/22/2015
58. Badger Watch 12/22/2015
59. Balanced 4/18/2011
60. Balancing Act! 10/9/2014
61. Banyan Tiger 9/27/2013
62. Barbary Lion 10/26/2015
63. Barbary Prince 11/26/2013
64. Barn Owl 1/19/2015
65. Battle Scars 6/30/2010
66. Be Careful! 7/14/2013
569. The Beautiful Brown-Headed Duck 1/3/2017
67. Beauty 2/22/2011
68. Beauty As A Force Of Energy! 5/3/2014
69. Best Wishes! 7/20/2015
1. Beyond The Art Ache... 1/22/2016
70. Big Daddy! 3/14/2014
71. Big Ivory! 7/28/2014
72. Big Trouble! 3/13/2014
73. Black Beauty 10/23/2009
74. Black Headed Gull 1/28/2014
75. Black Jaguar 2/25/2015
76. Black Jaguar Cub 9/19/2015
77. Black Lion! 8/17/2015
78. Black Magic 2/24/2014
79. Black Satin 2/24/2012
80. Black Wolves 6/27/2014
81. Blue And Gold Macaw 6/27/2014
82. Blue Tits On Damson Bush 1/30/2014
83. Bobcat 3/23/2016
84. Bookends 4/25/2011
85. Border Patrol 11/5/2014
86. Born Leader 7/8/2012
570. The Boss 6/6/2013
87. Breaking Cover 2/26/2014
88. Brethren Wolves 3/6/2013
89. Bright Eyes 7/4/2010
90. Brotherly Love 11/26/2013
91. Brothers 8/1/2010
571. The Brothers 8/3/2009
92. Brothers In Arms 6/13/2009
93. Brothers, Two... 7/29/2014
4. A Brush With Genius 12/15/2011
94. Burning Bright 11/13/2011
95. Bush Master 2/21/2011
96. Buzzard On A Branch 5/31/2015
97. By The Water Hole... 3/5/2015
98. Cat In A Wooded Landscape 5/26/2014
99. Cat Nap... 7/28/2014
100. Catching The Sun 8/9/2011
101. Catnap 11/16/2009
102. Caught By The Light! 10/11/2014
103. Cautious 7/27/2009
104. Charm 4/29/2014
105. Cheek To Cheek 4/25/2011
106. Cheetah Cub 4/4/2016
107. Cheetah Glow 11/28/2010
108. Cheetah Haven 6/11/2009
109. Cheetah Sunset 7/21/2013
110. Cheetah Vigil 4/6/2010
111. Cheetah! 2/25/2015
112. Cherished Infant 11/16/2009
113. Chewing It Over... 9/28/2013
114. Child Of The Rainforest 7/28/2014
115. Chill Out 10/11/2010
116. Chimpanzee 6/25/2016
117. Close Comfort 7/1/2012
118. Close Companions 9/5/2010
119. Close Encounter 7/3/2010
120. Close Family 4/18/2010
121. Close Family Ii 4/2/2011
122. Close Family, Too 2/23/2017
123. Close Protection 7/3/2010
124. Clouded Leopard 8/29/2016
125. Cold Stare 1/13/2013
126. Colourful Duck! 12/22/2015
572. The Companions 3/7/2013
573. The Companions, Too 12/4/2016
127. Companionship 8/15/2011
128. Comrades 11/14/2012
129. Contented Mother 8/7/2012
130. Contentment 8/26/2009
131. Cool Cat! 11/25/2014
132. Cool Dreams 11/16/2012
5. A Cool Place 7/19/2010
133. Cool Refuge 6/12/2009
134. Cool Water 9/2/2012
135. Cool Waters... 10/26/2015
136. Cooling Down Time 8/7/2009
137. Cooling Off Time... 7/28/2014
138. Cooling Waters... 9/19/2015
139. Cougar! 3/29/2015
140. Curiosity 10/14/2012
141. Curious 7/18/2009
142. Curious Presence 8/3/2012
143. Curious, Too! 10/19/2014
144. Cute 1/12/2011
145. Danger 9/18/2011
146. Dappled Sunlight 8/17/2010
147. Dark Elegance 4/29/2014
574. The Dashing Young Dolphin! 9/19/2016
148. Daydreamer... 9/14/2014
149. Day's End 6/19/2012
150. Deep Freeze 10/12/2009
151. Deep In Shadow 11/29/2010
152. Deep Water! 11/22/2013
153. Devoted Mother 6/19/2009
154. Devotion 9/5/2010
155. Diablo 9/20/2015
156. Dignified 9/17/2011
157. Distant Movement 6/27/2014
158. Distinguished! 8/30/2014
159. Don't Dismiss Your Destiny! 8/17/2016
160. Doting Parent 1/21/2012
161. Double Trouble! 2/26/2014
162. Dreamy... 2/9/2017
163. Drinking Session 10/28/2011
164. Drowsy 2/17/2011
165. Drying Off 10/29/2010
166. Duck! 2/25/2015
167. Eagle Owl 6/25/2016
168. Eagle Watch 5/30/2009
169. Early Learning 12/21/2014
170. Early Spring 11/27/2010
171. Edge Of The Night 2/23/2011
172. Elegance 10/11/2009
173. Elegant Reflections 2/16/2013
174. Elephant Heaven 2/21/2010
175. Elephant! 12/22/2015
176. Elusive 6/19/2009
177. Enchanted! 12/2/2016
178. Enchanting 4/13/2013
179. Enigmatic 8/2/2009
180. Enter The King! 11/25/2013
180-2. Evening Dip 11/20/2011
181. Evening Drinks 8/4/2012
182. Evening Patrol 10/25/2013
183. Evening Sun 9/5/2010
184. Ever Watchful 11/8/2009
185. Exhausted 10/11/2009
186. Exquisite Feline Grace 9/19/2016
187. Eye Of The Leopard 8/28/2009
575. The Eye Of The Tiger! 9/10/2016
188. Eye To Eye 4/18/2010
189. Eyes Of The Forest 7/22/2009
190. Eyes Of Warning 4/22/2012
191. Fallow Pair 10/25/2013
192. Family Ties 10/8/2016
193. Family Values 10/16/2010
194. Father Figure 10/10/2009
195. Father's Day 11/5/2014
196. Feline Grace 9/27/2013
197. First Adventure 8/20/2010
198. First Born 6/27/2014
199. Flat Out 7/7/2012
200. Fleeting Sun 1/30/2013
201. Florida Panther! 10/29/2015
202. Focussed 7/30/2010
203. Follow The Leader 12/5/2011
204. Fondness 11/15/2012
205. Forest Haven 8/8/2011
206. Forest Nomad 7/16/2013
207. Forest Sentinel 7/31/2013
208. Forest Shadow 12/24/2013
209. Forest Splendour 11/28/2010
210. Forest Stream 5/19/2009
211. Forest Tracker 2/25/2012
212. Forest Waterhole 12/28/2012
213. Forever Friends 8/2/2009
214. Forging Ahead 7/25/2009
215. Four Ducks.... 3/3/2015
216. Fresh Snow 1/13/2013
217. From Generation To Generation! 5/27/2016
218. Frosty Beginnings 11/13/2011
219. Full Attention 7/3/2010
220. Future King! 3/3/2015
221. Gayford Gallery 3/3/2012
222. Giant Panda! 9/14/2014
223. Gibbon 3/19/2017
224. Gifts For The Home! 8/20/2013
225. Giraffe! 4/27/2015
226. God Bless The Artist's Legacy! 3/3/2017
227. Going Home! 12/24/2013
228. Going In 10/5/2009
229. Gold Finches With Thistle 1/28/2014
230. Golden 8/7/2012
231. Golden Eagle 9/28/2013
232. Golden Glow 5/10/2012
233. Golden Silhouette 6/27/2012
234. Good Mother 2/22/2011
235. Gorgeous 5/7/2011
236. Great Spotted Woodpecker 1/30/2014
237. Group Hug 9/4/2010
576. The Guardians 7/26/2009
238. Guardians Of The Den 12/2/2012
239. Guy 1/29/2017
240. Handsome 4/18/2010
241. Handsome Beast 1/21/2012
242. Hanging Around 6/4/2009
243. Heavy Drinker! 11/6/2014
244. Heavy Going! 9/27/2016
245. Heavyweights 10/22/2011
246. Her Ladyship 7/25/2009
247. Here's To The Artists Of Renown 5/28/2016
248. Hidden Observer 11/3/2009
249. Hide Away 8/22/2013
250. High And Mighty 5/17/2009
251. High Noon 9/27/2013
252. High Spirits 7/26/2009
253. Himalayan Highlander 9/26/2013
254. Himalayan Spirit 7/4/2010
255. Himalayan Summer 11/25/2014
256. Himalayan Winter 8/19/2015
257. His Highness 2/28/2010
258. His Majesty 7/17/2009
577. The Hole In The Wall Gang 2/28/2010
259. Homeward Bound 12/3/2012
260. Hope For The Future 10/12/2009
261. Hot Lioness 3/5/2013
262. How Do People Read Poetry? 6/4/2014
263. How Many Tigers? 9/19/2016
264. Hunter's Moon 11/2/2009
578. The Hunters! 12/22/2015
265. Ice Babies 2/28/2010
266. I'M Awake! 6/9/2013
267. I'M Tired... 1/13/2013
268. Imperial Presence 4/29/2014
269. In Deep 7/18/2015
270. In Deepest Shadow 10/22/2011
271. In His Prime 6/20/2010
272. In Hot Pursuit 10/22/2011
273. In Pursuit 8/17/2010
274. In The Footsteps Of Giants 5/9/2012
275. In The Heat Of The Day 3/5/2013
276. In The Long Grass 8/27/2013
277. In The Shade 1/13/2013
278. In The Shadows... 1/2/2014
279. In With The Crowd 11/25/2014
280. Indian Adolescent 7/22/2010
281. Indian Gold 11/16/2009
282. Indian Jewel 11/12/2009
283. Indian Nobility 10/12/2009
284. Indian Oasis... 8/28/2014
285. Indian Prince 8/18/2015
286. Indian Princess 4/18/2010
287. Indian Reflections 10/10/2012
288. Indian Sanctuary 5/30/2009
289. Indian Sentinel 11/15/2009
290. Indian Tiger Cub 4/4/2016
291. Indian Tiger Family 9/26/2013
292. Indian Tiger! 11/25/2015
293. Indian Tigress 3/23/2016
294. Innocent 9/3/2010
295. Inquisitive 10/16/2010
296. Inquisitive, Too! 7/22/2015
297. Instinct 9/26/2013
298. Intense 7/3/2010
299. Intense! 2/9/2017
300. Intensity 7/26/2009
301. Intimidation 7/22/2009
302. Intrepid 11/14/2012
303. It's Been A Long Day 8/22/2013
304. It's Been A Long Day, Too 2/6/2017
305. Jade 2/24/2014
306. Jaguar Cub 9/19/2015
579. The Journey Home 10/10/2012
307. Jungle Apparition 7/3/2010
308. Jungle Gentleman 7/17/2009
309. Jungle Phantom 9/27/2013
310. Jungle Pool 11/13/2012
311. Jungle Prince 3/4/2011
312. Jungle Trail 10/11/2010
313. Just Friends 2/27/2011
314. Just Friends (Intro) 2/26/2011
315. Just Landed! 1/30/2014
316. Just The Two Of Us 7/14/2013
317. Keep Up! 1/3/2013
318. Keeping Eye On Things! 3/14/2014
319. Keeping Watch 10/12/2009
320. Kicking Up Dust! 9/19/2013
580. The King 8/4/2009
581. The King! 12/31/2013
321. King Cheetah 11/16/2009
322. King Of Kings 10/12/2009
323. King Of The Castle 2/27/2011
324. Kingfishers 6/26/2015
325. Laid Back... 12/24/2013
326. Last Light 12/22/2015
327. Late Patrol 2/26/2014
328. Laying In Wait 7/20/2013
329. Lazy Afternoon 1/29/2011
330. Lazy Bones 4/18/2011
331. Lazy Day 7/27/2009
332. Lazy Days! 11/26/2013
333. Leaders Of The Pack 3/16/2011
334. Leaving The Nest! 10/25/2013
6. A Legion Of Lions! 9/12/2016
335. Leopard Cub 4/30/2014
336. Leopard Sanctuary 12/27/2016
337. Leopard Sunset 7/23/2011
338. Leopard Watch 8/10/2011
339. Leopard! 1/8/2016
340. Leopardess! 10/8/2016
341. Liberty Eagle! 1/26/2015
342. Liberty! 12/14/2013
343. Lion Cub 11/7/2010
344. Lion Cub Playing 9/3/2010
582. The Lion King 5/20/2009
345. Lion Profile 3/23/2016
346. Lion! 11/9/2015
347. Lioness 10/21/2014
348. Lioness And Cub 4/28/2016
349. Lioness And Cubs 8/25/2015
350. Lioness, Too... 3/19/2017
351. Lionhearted 12/22/2012
352. Lions Of The Serengeti 8/28/2014
353. Lions, Tigers, Jaguars! 8/12/2013
354. Little Jewel 11/7/2010
355. Little Prince 11/22/2013
356. Little Princess 8/25/2015
357. Lobo 1/22/2012
358. Locked On Target 11/13/2012
583. The Lofty Leopard 11/28/2011
359. Lone Wolf 3/5/2013
360. Lone Wolf, Too 10/24/2016
361. Look At Me! 8/30/2014
362. Lookout Post 6/25/2009
363. Lookout Rock 10/14/2012
364. Lord And Lady 4/22/2012
365. Lords Of The Arctic 2/27/2011
366. Lost Soul! 10/9/2014
367. Lurking Lobo! 9/19/2016
368. Lying In Wait 10/11/2010
369. Lynx Cub 1/19/2015
370. Maasai Country 2/6/2011
371. Macaw Portraits 2/25/2016
371-2. Magical 6/7/2013
372. Magical, Too... 5/17/2016
373. Majestic Prince 9/26/2013
374. Majestic! 4/27/2015
375. Making A Splash! 7/6/2016
376. Making Up! 8/28/2014
377. Making Waves 5/20/2009
378. Mallard Duck 7/6/2016
379. Manchurian King 5/3/2010
584. The Master 8/4/2012
380. Matching Pair 6/30/2010
381. Mean And Moody 11/16/2009
382. Meerkat Sunrise 2/11/2017
383. Meet A Meerkat! 6/13/2016
384. Menacing 4/18/2010
385. Mesmeric 2/27/2011
386. Mischievous 5/29/2013
387. Moon Dance 12/22/2012
388. Morning Glory 6/13/2009
389. Morning Graze 6/11/2014
390. Morning Patrol 5/22/2014
391. Morning Pride 12/29/2016
392. Mother And Calf 1/15/2015
393. Mother Cheetah 7/5/2016
394. Mother Jaguar 6/25/2016
395. Mother Of Pearls 12/22/2012
396. Mother's Favourite 1/21/2012
397. Mother's Favourite, Too 12/7/2016
398. Mother's Pride 11/19/2011
7. A Mother's Protection 10/14/2012
399. Mountain Majesty 9/14/2014
400. Mountain Myth 5/3/2010
401. Mountain Retreat 6/28/2015
402. Mountain Sentinel 7/1/2012
403. Mountain Splendour 11/28/2010
404. Mr & Mrs 9/29/2013
405. Mr And Mrs 1/29/2013
406. Mud Bath 2/6/2011
407. My Hero 9/13/2011
408. My Kingdom 7/20/2013
409. Mysterious! 11/22/2013
410. Nesting Song 1/28/2014
411. Ngorongoro Bull 2/25/2015
412. Night Watchman 9/11/2012
413. Night Watchman, Too 12/30/2016
414. Nuthatch On A Branch 5/31/2015
585. The Old Campaigner 4/18/2011
415. Old Friends 11/10/2009
416. Old Scarface 7/4/2010
586. The Old Tusker! 8/16/2016
587. The Old Warrior 8/22/2016
417. On Guard 10/29/2010
418. On The Edge 11/9/2009
419. On The Move 6/14/2009
420. One For The Road 5/17/2012
421. Original Watercolours 2/24/2014
422. Ostrich And Young 10/28/2015
423. Out Of Reach! 7/13/2012
424. Out Of Sight 7/28/2013
425. Owl On A Branch 3/23/2016
426. Pack Leaders 11/19/2011
427. Panda Snack! 3/23/2016
428. Parrot 10/14/2014
429. Partners 7/19/2012
430. Penguin Conference 11/13/2012
431. Perfect Pair 11/26/2009
432. Persian Prince 10/11/2014
433. Phantom Of The North! 10/10/2012
434. Phantom! 1/27/2015
435. Pillow Talk 10/22/2011
436. Polar Bear 12/6/2016
437. Polar Bear Parable 5/23/2014
438. Polar Prince 11/27/2010
439. Portrait Of A Prince 7/21/2009
440. Precious! 12/15/2014
3. The Prince Of Prints 1/31/2011
441. Private View 11/20/2011
442. Proud Father! 1/2/2014
443. Proud Mother 1/29/2011
589. The Prowler 5/26/2009
444. Purposeful 4/22/2012
445. Purrfect Paintings, Pictures And Prints! 10/6/2016
446. Puzzled! 10/9/2014
447. Quiet Contemplation... 11/28/2013
448. Rainforest Phantoms 9/5/2009
449. Ranthambhore Dawn 7/16/2015
450. Ranthambhore Prince 7/14/2015
451. Rarity 2/24/2011
452. Ravenous 10/9/2009
453. Ready To Act! 7/29/2013
454. Ready To Pounce 10/12/2009
455. Reflected Glory 6/25/2016
456. Regal 7/24/2010
457. Regal Pair 11/19/2011
8. A Regal Pose 11/14/2012
458. Regal White Tiger 1/30/2013
459. Relaxed! 11/5/2014
460. Relaxed, Too... 10/26/2015
461. Rescue The Rainforests! 2/7/2017
462. Restful 4/18/2010
590. The Resting Place 4/6/2011
463. Ringed Plover 3/29/2015
463-2. River Crossing 5/3/2013
464. River Crossing, Too 5/31/2015
465. River Patrol 1/23/2011
466. Riverside Siesta! 10/5/2013
467. Robin 10/16/2010
591. The Robin And The Snowman! 11/29/2016
468. Robin Redbreast 2/23/2016
469. Roof Of The World! 12/24/2013
470. Rough And Tumble! 8/28/2014
471. Royal Pair 9/28/2013
472. Royalty 8/14/2009
473. Sad Old Sourpuss! 10/8/2016
474. Safe Crossing 6/15/2009
475. Safe Haven 12/21/2014
476. Safe Refuge 1/19/2013
477. Safety In Numbers 5/16/2010
478. Safety In Numbers, Too 10/4/2016
479. Saker Falcon 4/29/2014
480. Savannah Slumber 10/9/2012
481. Scanning The Skies 8/6/2012
482. Scottish Wildcat! 5/25/2014
483. Secret Admirer 9/26/2013
484. Secret Lair 2/26/2014
485. Secret Observers 1/13/2013
592. The Secret Pool... 7/6/2016
486. Secret Stalker 11/21/2010
593. The Sentinel 4/6/2010
487. Sentry Duty 6/11/2012
488. Serengeti Cheetah... 9/14/2014
489. Serengeti Evening 4/18/2010
490. Serenity 9/12/2011
491. Shadow In The Jungle 7/23/2011
492. Shadows In The Grass 3/25/2014
493. Shady Retreat... 12/21/2014
494. Shallow Waters 11/22/2013
495. Sheer Class 11/13/2011
496. Sheer Comfort 2/28/2010
497. Shore Line Hunter 1/30/2014
498. Siberian Brothers 1/19/2015
499. Siberian Family 1/20/2016
500. Siberian Nomad 6/28/2015
501. Siberian Snow 10/13/2010
502. Siberian Soul Mates 1/19/2015
503. Siberian Tiger 10/22/2014
504. Siberian Tiger Cub 9/23/2015
505. Siblings 7/20/2009
506. Side By Side 11/22/2013
507. Siesta Time 9/22/2012
508. Silent Approach... 1/2/2014
509. Silent Danger! 10/11/2014
510. Silent Waters 5/3/2011
511. Silent Witness 8/30/2013
512. Simba! 11/1/2014
513. Sisters 11/10/2009
514. Skyjaguar! 1/2/2014
515. Snow Cat 2/28/2010
516. Snow Child 2/6/2010
517. Snow Flakes 4/26/2013
518. Snow Leopard 11/9/2009
519. Snow Leopard, Too 11/29/2016
520. Snow Spirit 1/22/2010
521. Snow Tigers 10/14/2012
522. Snow Wolf 10/16/2010
523. Snuggle 11/29/2010
524. Snuggle Up! 10/13/2013
525. Snuggling Up... 12/4/2016
526. Something Stirred 5/21/2009
527. Something Wonderful And Beautiful 3/8/2012
528. Son And Heir 11/15/2012
529. Son Of The Father 2/27/2011
530. Soon To Be King! 8/15/2015
531. Soul Mates 12/4/2012
532. Splash! 5/19/2009
533. Spotted Wind 9/14/2014
534. Spring Thaw 5/28/2010
594. The Stare 12/22/2012
535. Startled 3/5/2013
536. Staying Close 7/23/2011
537. Staying Cool 11/15/2012
538. Stealth 6/15/2009
539. Stealthy... 11/11/2015
2. Stephen Gayford 6/15/2009
595. The Stephen Gayford Art Gallery 3/22/2017
540. Stolen Moment 7/14/2013
541. Study For Tiger Fury 4/26/2015
542. Study Of An Owl 3/29/2015
596. The Sublime 8/3/2012
543. Sudden Movement 11/15/2009
544. Sumatran Tiger 5/12/2011
545. Sumatran Tiger Family 2/19/2016
546. Summer's Swallows 11/14/2015
547. Sun Factor 30 7/26/2011
548. Sun Kissed 11/16/2009
549. Sun Worship 1/3/2011
550. Sun Worshippers, Too 6/25/2016
551. Sundowner 1/22/2012
552. Sunlit Beauty 4/24/2011
553. Sunlit Family 11/20/2011
554. Sunset 9/16/2009
555. Sunset (Second Version) 9/16/2009
556. Superiority! 2/26/2014
557. Survival Instinct! 11/26/2013
597. The Survivor 7/8/2009
558. Swallow Nest 1/27/2014
559. Sweet Dreams 12/1/2012
560. Swimming Lesson... 1/20/2016
561. Taking It Easy 12/22/2012
562. Temple Tigers 7/20/2013
563. Tenderness 6/13/2010
564. Tenderness, Too... 10/8/2016
565. Tentative 6/13/2012
566. Testing The Water... 4/27/2015
567. That Time Already? 4/11/2011
568. The Attack 2/6/2011
569. The Beautiful Brown-Headed Duck 1/3/2017
570. The Boss 6/6/2013
571. The Brothers 8/3/2009
572. The Companions 3/7/2013
573. The Companions, Too 12/4/2016
574. The Dashing Young Dolphin! 9/19/2016
575. The Eye Of The Tiger! 9/10/2016
576. The Guardians 7/26/2009
577. The Hole In The Wall Gang 2/28/2010
578. The Hunters! 12/22/2015
579. The Journey Home 10/10/2012
580. The King 8/4/2009
581. The King! 12/31/2013
582. The Lion King 5/20/2009
583. The Lofty Leopard 11/28/2011
584. The Master 8/4/2012
585. The Old Campaigner 4/18/2011
586. The Old Tusker! 8/16/2016
587. The Old Warrior 8/22/2016
588. The Prince Of Prints 12/18/2010
589. The Prowler 5/26/2009
590. The Resting Place 4/6/2011
591. The Robin And The Snowman! 11/29/2016
592. The Secret Pool... 7/6/2016
593. The Sentinel 4/6/2010
594. The Stare 12/22/2012
595. The Stephen Gayford Art Gallery 3/22/2017
596. The Sublime 8/3/2012
597. The Survivor 7/8/2009
598. The Thinker... 9/19/2015
599. The Watchers 8/16/2010
600. The Wise One 8/5/2009
601. Their First Lesson 11/22/2013
602. They Also Serve Who Stand And Wait 5/27/2016
598. The Thinker... 9/19/2015
603. Thirst Quencher 9/30/2011
604. Thirst Quencher Thanksgiving 5/31/2015
605. Thirsty 12/4/2010
606. Thirsty Travellers 12/3/2012
607. Thoughtful 2/16/2013
608. Three Sentries 8/8/2010
609. Tiger And Cubs 1/8/2017
610. Tiger Cub 8/21/2016
611. Tiger Fury 7/25/2009
612. Tiger In The Grass! 3/23/2016
613. Tiger Portrait 6/26/2015
614. Tiger Pursuit 6/20/2009
615. Tiger Stare 6/28/2009
616. Tiger! 12/12/2015
617. Tiger, Tiger... 10/27/2014
618. Tiger's Head 2/25/2015
619. Tigress! 10/8/2016
620. Together 2/28/2010
621. Togetherness 4/29/2014
622. Trailblazer 4/13/2013
623. Tranquil Moment... 11/25/2015
624. Tranquillity 12/3/2011
625. Treading Water 12/13/2011
626. Triple Trouble 8/6/2009
627. Triplets 11/17/2010
628. Triplets, Too 12/24/2016
629. Two Barn Owlets 6/27/2014
630. Two Lion Cubs 11/14/2015
631. Two's Company 6/2/2013
632. Under Kilimanjaro 8/22/2016
633. Untamed Spirit 6/26/2015
634. Vantage Point 10/26/2009
635. Wading In 5/18/2010
636. Wading In, Too... 12/3/2016
637. Wading Tiger 9/26/2013
638. Wait For Me! 6/12/2016
639. Waiting For Mother 2/25/2012
640. Waiting For Mother, Too! 10/14/2016
641. Waiting For Nightfall 8/20/2009
9. A Walk In The Sun 1/25/2011
642. Wash Time 1/29/2013
643. Watch And Learn! 8/23/2013
599. The Watchers 8/16/2010
644. Watchful! 10/1/2016
645. Watchful, Too... 9/14/2014
646. Watching From Cover 4/22/2012
647. Watching You 4/29/2011
648. Watching You, Watching Me... 1/8/2016
649. Water Babies! 11/22/2013
650. Welcome Storm 6/7/2013
651. When I'M Ready! 10/9/2012
652. Where's Mo? 2/25/2012
653. White Haven 7/15/2010
654. White Heritage 11/29/2010
655. White Hunter 5/17/2010
656. White Knight 9/5/2010
657. White Lord 6/10/2011
658. White Magic! 4/4/2016
659. White Magnificence 4/18/2010
660. White Majesty 1/27/2011
661. White Majesty, Too... 4/29/2016
662. White Menace 6/17/2009
663. White Prince 7/27/2009
664. White Tiger Cub 2/25/2015
665. White Tiger! 4/4/2016
666. White Tigers! 3/3/2017
667. White Treasures 2/21/2012
668. White Water 7/23/2011
669. White Wolf 7/14/2015
669-2. White Wolves 3/25/2017
670. White Wonder 12/22/2012
671. Whiteout 2/21/2010
672. Wild At Heart 6/14/2012
673. Wildlife! 2/24/2016
674. Winter Finery 6/19/2012
675. Winter Fox 10/25/2013
676. Winter Fun! 9/26/2013
677. Winter Games! 11/22/2013
678. Winter Kingfisher 1/28/2014
679. Winter Perfection 11/10/2009
680. Winter Refuge 6/7/2013
681. Winter Repose 12/2/2010
682. Winter Retreat 5/25/2014
683. Winter Snows 1/6/2010
684. Winter Sun 10/13/2010
685. Winter Sunbather 5/19/2009
686. Winter Tracker... 1/8/2016
687. Winter Walk... 7/28/2014
688. Winter Warmth 11/22/2013
600. The Wise One 8/5/2009
689. Wistful 8/8/2009
690. With Intent 5/17/2012
691. Wolf Trail 1/23/2011
692. Woodland Hunter 1/30/2014
693. World Wildlife 5/31/2015
694. Wrinkles! 12/24/2013
695. You Talking To Me? 4/18/2011
696. You Won The Auction! 3/22/2017
697. Young Explorers 6/13/2009
698. Young Gorilla 1/14/2016
699. Young Gorilla, Too... 2/25/2016
700. Young Gun 8/22/2013
701. Young Guns 11/17/2010
702. Young Hopeful 8/16/2009
703. Young Stalker 3/5/2013
704. Young Stalker, Too 4/28/2015
705. Zebra And Foal 11/25/2014
706. Zero Tolerance 7/31/2013