Tuesday, 6 December 2016


May God bless those who love His Name
This coming Christmas Day,
Because life's never quite the same
When we give thanks and pray.

God's Son was born to save Mankind...
Men brought gifts from afar.
By faith, they followed close behind
The glowing guiding star.

By night the distant lands they crossed,
A king to meet and greet.
We can but guess how much it cost
To lay gifts at His feet.

They looked to Heaven's silver sign
And yet they brought Him gold.
To them, you see, He was divine
And glorious to behold.

It mattered not to see Him there,
A babe in Mary's arms.
A helpless child who needed care,
A lullaby that calms.

To them, He was of noble birth,
Predestined yet to rule.
To them, His mother proved her worth,
Enduring pains so cruel.

Together now, this scene portrays
The wise and mystical.
So celebrate this day of days...
Because it's beautiful...

Denis Martindale



There comes a time before they snooze
When lions snuggle, too,
When such a closeness none refuse,
As that's the thing to do...
And so a warmth ensues each time,
A sweet tranquillity,
A bond of friendship so sublime,
As if it's meant to be...

It's not their way to stay aloof,
No profit comes by that,
Each generation serves as proof,
That true love's where it's at...
Nobody's there to say that's cool,
Yet each knows, it feels great...
Nobody thinks that they're a fool,
They see it as first rate...

When people hug, it's quickly done,
But snuggling close persists,
It's more than love because it's fun,
Unless some fool resists...
I thought that it was understood,
Like kissing... day and night...
So please don't shun what looks so good!
Join in and snuggle tight...

Denis Martindale December 2016.

Poem based on the magnificent Stephen Gayford
wildlife painting. Google-search phrases
gayford prints and Stephen Gayford poetry
and also for Heaven and Earth Designs...

Poem shared here:




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HAED finished pieces gallery:

Please click the link and then click on the left
of screen link for "Show Albums and Stories".


Several HAED Fantasy Art artists have pictures
on my website click-a-pic full screen galleries
slideshows, including some wildlife pictures.




When tigers choose to form a bond,
Great positives can flow,
Like energies that pass beyond
These lives, yet forward go...
Into the lives of those unborn,
As generations change,
Such that no tiger feels forlorn,
Alone, distant, or strange...

To have companions makes life great,
Because each teaches love,
Because each helps us celebrate
Each time we rise above...
And tigers feel that way as well,
As long as friends stay close,
As long as there are tales to tell
From memories they chose...

If tigers, common beasts they are,
Embrace companions near,
Or think of those who live afar,
Recalling times held dear,
Then why should we, deny such joys,
Not one thought to discuss?
Each one of us must make a choice,
You see, that's up to us!

Denis Martindale December 2016.

Poem based on the magnificent Stephen Gayford
wildlife painting. Google-search phrases
gayford prints and Stephen Gayford poetry
and also for Heaven and Earth Designs...

Poem shared here:




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HAED finished pieces gallery:

Please click the link and then click on the left
of screen link for "Show Albums and Stories".


Several HAED Fantasy Art artists have pictures
on my website click-a-pic full screen galleries
slideshows, including some wildlife pictures.




The tiger sweltered in the sun
And wandered to the stream,
Then, finally, that battle done,
He stood there in a dream...
To wade in now, or wait a while?
To wade in now, or not?
He waded in, with such a smile,
Because it was so hot!

Then came the shivers, waters high,
That sudden cooling chill,
Adjusting to it by and by,
As if a short-lived thrill...
Then mellowing to all it gave,
The mud beneath his feet,
With time enough to gently bathe,
Sensations, oh, so sweet...

The tiger humbled, yet at rest,
His whiskers drooping wet,
Yet memories of feeling blessed,
The likes he'd not forget...
Perhaps it's only humans who
Praise God for such repose,
Or could it be, that big cats do?
Alas, God only knows...

Denis Martindale December 2016.

Poem based on the magnificent Stephen Gayford
wildlife painting. Google-search phrases
gayford prints and Stephen Gayford poetry
and also for Heaven and Earth Designs...

Poem shared here:




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HAED finished pieces gallery:

Please click the link and then click on the left
of screen link for "Show Albums and Stories".


Several HAED Fantasy Art artists have pictures
on my website click-a-pic full screen galleries
slideshows, including some wildlife pictures.




The first white tiger ever seen
Was quite a while ago,
Yet, from then on, Mankind was keen
To let the whole world know...
And while its numbers are quite small,
It's famous far and wide,
Its beauty still enchants us all,
For this, the Lord supplied...

To some, the Bengal Tiger's great,
Though it's not black and white,
That first white tiger turned up late,
But, boy, was he a sight!
When decades passed, I saw one, too,
Yet doubted for a while...
But suddenly, it filtered through,
That's when I chose to smile!

But don't think I approached real close,
I kept right where I was,
No point to pat him on the nose,
No need to make him cross...
I took some pictures, left him there,
Praised God, then walked away...
Next year, I saw a Panda Bear,
That really made my day!

Denis Martindale December 2016.

Poem based on the magnificent Stephen Gayford
wildlife paintings. Google-search phrases
gayford prints and Stephen Gayford poetry
and also for Heaven and Earth Designs...

Poem shared here:




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HAED finished pieces gallery:

Please click the link and then click on the left
of screen link for "Show Albums and Stories".


Several HAED Fantasy Art artists have pictures
on my website click-a-pic full screen galleries
slideshows, including some wildlife pictures.




Was it just fate he posed right there,
That Polar Bear I saw?
Then at his own domain to stare,
Not hoping for much more?
Upon a frozen mountain peak,
To see his world below,
Mid temperatures so cold and bleak,
The likes that few could know?

Yet I was there, nearby, unseen,
I saw what he could see,
An outstretched landscape, pure, pristine,
Reflecting majesty...
He saw his home, while I saw land,
He saw his life ahead,
I saw a vacant void God planned
And yearned my home instead...

The bear thought it was Paradise,
The place where he was born,
To me, a giant block of ice
That made me feel forlorn...
While he was glad to live and stay,
I saw no need to roam,
Except to leave, to walk away,
Back to my own warm home...

Denis Martindale December 2016.

Poem based on the magnificent Stephen Gayford
wildlife painting. Google-search phrases
gayford prints and Stephen Gayford poetry
and also for Heaven and Earth Designs...

Poem shared here:




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HAED finished pieces gallery:

Please click the link and then click on the left
of screen link for "Show Albums and Stories".


Several HAED Fantasy Art artists have pictures
on my website click-a-pic full screen galleries
slideshows, including some wildlife pictures.

