Sunday, 28 June 2009


Intimidation is the game, as any tiger knows.
Infuriation is the aim, before it comes to blows.
The tiger stare, with ears erect, the lowered jaw in tune,
The teeth to bear, for bold effect! All say, 'I'll fight you soon!'
If not, the tiger stare is used to focus on the prey...
Before all energy's infused and it gets clean away...
Or else a future mate is seen, with him truly smitten...
Wide-eyed, the alpha male is keen to meet the little kitten...
If not, some new scent's in the air... his basic instincts rise.
He breathes in deep... his nostrils flare... as danger he defies.
He bides his time before he acts, while time is on his side,
But come the time he finds the facts, no conscience comes to guide.
Sometimes a tiger stands alone! It's him against the rest!
Gone are the brothers he has known, now he must do his best!
No more the tiger cub of old, no more the little one...
He's seen the seasons which unfold beneath the golden sun!
The tiger stare is what he does... portraying who he is...
Who knows what it will mean for us? A quick death or a kiss?
And yet we stare, breathtaken, too, till fear has been increased...
At just how big this big cat grew.... at beauty and the beast...

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.

My poetry website:

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Tiger Stare'.
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The Gayford poems can be viewed here:

The framed pictures are bought from these UK websites: (on UK Freeview)

Thursday, 25 June 2009


The meerkats stood on tippy toes,
For danger was afoot!
Where it would strike, nobody knows
And yet they must stay put!
So one looked left and one looked right
And one looked up and down!
To some, the meerkats looked a sight,
With each one, Nature's clown!
But times were hard and foes were fast!
So fast, they were a blur!
While unwarned victims were aghast,
The wise were quick to stir!
They didn't hang around and say,
'Ooh, look! That's not so good!'
They scarpered quick, got clean away
And left the neighbourhood!
Forewarned, forearmed, four feet, then gone...
To snigger underground!
To safely hide from light that shone,
No longer to be found!
The game went on to their delight,
For hours at a time...
It's very hard for foes to bite
A meerkat in his prime!
United they stand! Together!
Survivors to the end!
Yes, meerkats are very clever!
Just try to catch one, friend!

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.

My poetry website:

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Lookout Post'.
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The Gayford poems can be viewed here:

The framed pictures are bought from these UK websites: (on UK Freeview)

Wednesday, 24 June 2009


The lonesome tiger waded through
The forest stream one day.
I'd watched him, though he had no clue,
With equal stealth to stay.
I saw the tiger tread his path,
Suspecting everything.
This was no peaceful, joyful bath...
Who knows what life can bring?
The hunter knows what trees can hide...
He dare not make mistakes.
And so he stares, eyes open wide...
When crossing streams and lakes.
His ears are scanning left and right...
His life depends on these.
He needs them every day and night,
With sudden noise he'll freeze.
His senses span the spectrum's range
And profit from their news.
Detecting every second's change,
Exchanging points of views.
Reflexes spark the sudden chase,
When prey seeks to escape.
When all at once, it's one mad race
And then the hunt takes shape.
For now, the tiger wades the stream,
Defensive at this time...
For me, it's like I'm in a dream...
To see him in his prime...

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.

My poetry website:

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Forest Stream'.

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The Gayford poems can be viewed here:

The framed pictures are bought from these UK websites: (on UK Freeview)


The leopard leapt and climbed the tree
He spotted on his way,
Up there, the whole wide world to see,
Time passing, come what may.
The world was hot, too hot to care,
Too hot to walk or run...
The leopard stayed, content to stare,
Now shaded from the sun...
No point in all that stifling heat
Which makes it hard to breathe...
It hardly made his life complete,
As one would first believe.
The leopard paused and settled down
And heaved a weary sigh...
Forgot his speed of great renown,
Fixed on one spot to lie...
Oh, yes, he could get used to this!
Tremendous, quite refined!
He'd twigged this would be perfect bliss,
Outstretched and now reclined!
The leopard looked for miles and miles,
Surveying all he could,
Upon this world of tests and trials
And on his neighbourhood.
To some degree, he ruled it all,
No matter, day or night...
So many heard and feared his call,
In seconds to take flight.
Oh, yes, the leopard knew his place...
The way things had to be.
For now, this peace he would embrace...
Just hanging around, you see...

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.

My poetry website:

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Hanging Around'.

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The Gayford poems can be viewed here:

The framed pictures are bought from these UK websites: (on UK Freeview)

Tuesday, 23 June 2009


'Isn't this nice? ' the lioness said,
'A summer breeze and day near dead
And crystal clear enough to search,
To hunt again, if I've the urge.
Of course, I might just have a snooze...
For now, I'm fine, nothing to lose.
No cubs to crush this quiet time...
The day's gone well, in fact, sublime.
So belly down and front paws stretched,
To watch the sky this day has sketched...
To gaze serenely without cares
And look at clouds pass by in pairs.
Life's not so bad, still lots to learn.
I'll find a mate, when it's my turn.
There's no rush yet - this year, next year.
I'm quite content just lying here...
I've got no stomach pains today -
No cause to kill or hunt new prey.
No need to see death haunt the eyes
As suddenly my next meal dies...
For now, it's peaceful as can be -
There's no sign here of misery...
There's just the sun... and clouds above...
And, somehow, these things seem enough.
No thirst have I, as evening calls,
No lions here, no evening brawls,
No lions roaring back and forth,
Just nothing south, east, west and north.
This land is mine and mine alone -
A greater peace I've never known.
I'm getting sleepy in this sun,
Yet glad to know my work is done.
So sleep it is... just lying down...
To rest again, take off the crown,
To put aside one's majesty...
To savour life, as one born free...'

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'African Evening'.
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The Gayford poems can be viewed here:

The framed pictures are bought from these UK websites: (on UK Freeview)


The tiger yawned as he walked on...
The snow had slowed him down...
He'd wait it out till it was gone,
For now, he wore a frown.
The sun reflected in his eyes.
He squinted now and then.
Conserving strength was very wise...
And so he stopped again.
With paws outstetched, his mood soon thawed...
He settled in one place.
No longer was he overawed.
The sun he chose to face...
Another yawn... his eyelids closed,
As if this were the norm,
Yet not so bad as he supposed...
His coat would soon be warm.
While most would sleep contentedly,
This tiger kept his cool.
His head held high for all to see,
He proved he was no fool.
His claws retracted 'neath the fur...
His heartbeat soothed within...
And so he stayed and wouldn't stir,
Until the sun gave in...

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.

My poetry website:

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Winter Sunbather'.

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The Gayford poems can be viewed here:

The framed pictures are bought from these UK websites: (on UK Freeview)


The tiger strolled quite merrily,
As if without a qualm
And those that watched could plainly see
That he was mighty calm.
It was as if the stream was his,
To do with as he pleased.
It was a sight no-one should miss,
As tiger tension eased...
So there he was, content to play,
As kittens often do
And suddenly to splash away,
As if this game were new.
The fish were off, they scattered fast,
They had no furry friends.
The tiger didn't feel downcast,
Why should he take offence?
The day was young, he was there first,
The others had to wait...
This was his time to quench his thirst...
Next time, they won't be late.
Splash here, splash there, splash everywhere.
Who cares if it annoys?
As long as he had time to spare,
The pebbles were his toys.
He moved them left, he moved them right,
He flicked one so it flew.
Some birds above him soon took flight,
For all at once fear grew.
The tiger grinned to see such fun.
He knew they were perplexed.
That's when he flicked another one,
Amused that they were vexed.
He strolled along then slowly drank...
He sipped it like champagne.
Then in deep waters slowly sank
Till he was clean again...
When he was through, he left it all...
The sun would dry him soon.
Then through the tall grass he would crawl
And hunt that afternoon...

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.

My poetry website:

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Splash!'
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The Gayford poems can be viewed here:

The framed pictures are bought from these UK websites: (on UK Freeview)

Monday, 22 June 2009


The lion lives another day
And soon it will be night.
He doesn't care, for come what may,
He taught himself to fight.
His jaws spring open! Hear him roar!
'Beware! ' he says, 'Beware! '
High and mighty in tooth and claw,
To claim the lion's share!
Stand clear, if you love life at all!
Stand clear and let him pass!
The lion's strength helps us recall,
He's in a different class...
God gave him claws, God gave him teeth,
God gave him hunting skills.
Let others stare in disbelief,
As savagely he kills.
His thoughts are his, his actions, too.
Let others dare to judge.
Let each one hold his point of view...
From his, he will not budge.
High and mighty and taking pride
In all that he surveys.
In all the dangers he defied
And conquered nights and days.
To weather storms and yet survive...
To hunt before death strikes...
To drink again, when rains arrive...
To wander as he likes...
To live and love the mate he chose,
New life to carry on...
For even life comes to a close
And he, too, will be gone.
For now, he stares on his domain,
Its sovereign, lord and king...
His like will never come again
In any living thing...

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.

My poetry website:

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'High And Mighty'.

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The Gayford poems can be viewed here:

The framed pictures are bought from these websites: (on Freeview)

Sunday, 21 June 2009


The elephant was very hot and needed to cool down.
The water's edge was very soft, like clay and muddy brown.

The creature comforts looked divine beneath the boiling sun
And so he chose not to decline and start to have some fun!

The water welcomed one and all, to visit anytime.
As if to say, no need to stall... I'm here and it's sublime...

But danger, still, was ever near, as others rightly know.
For some are known to disappear! They simply come... and go.

The elephant has giant eyes, enough to see what's what
And yet temptation leads to sighs, especially when hot...

The gentle giant waded in, upto his trunk and more...
He swam across, with cheerful grin, to reach the other shore...

A lot can happen in a month, with many things to learn!
So he raised his trunk in triumph! Rejoicing in his turn!

The sun still shone, the heat endured, yet he was cooler now...
He felt elated, self-assured, revitalized somehow...

Safe crossing isn't guaranteed, yet when some find success,
It's great to see they can proceed and find new happiness!

I'm far too scared! I'm filled with fear! I'm not exactly brave!
I think I'll stay safe... over here. I'm not too keen to bathe...

I'll find some shade beneath a tree... Let others splash around.
Safe crossing! Great! But not for me! I'm staying on firm ground!

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.
My poetry website:

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Safe Crossing'.

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My Stephen Gayford poems are online here:

I buy the framed picture autographed prints from these UK websites: (on UK Freeview)


Two wolves waited, no plans as yet, just watching time go by...
No enemies, no food to get, no need to fret or sigh...
The best of days that's ever been... thus they felt inspired.
The day seemed tranquil, calm, serene... all their hearts desired.
It was as if the alpha pair were blessed beyond belief.
As if true love was in the air, the air they two could breathe...
There were no fears in either face, no doubts in either mind.
Affection somehow took their place, all troubles left behind.
Two wolves fated, that they would meet, unite and learn to love.
To lead the pack as they compete to prove themselves enough.
For them, this world was all they had, they hunted to survive.
It's true, some thought of them as bad, yet they must stay alive.
It's Nature's way, the strong endure, outlasting all the weak...
It's live or die, by tooth and claw, eternal hide and seek.
The hunting game goes on and on, relentlessly, my friend...
It stays the same, it's never gone, each lives until life's end...
No wonder, then, that days like this are cherished one-by-one.
A perfect sky, a savoured bliss, both soothed beneath the sun.
It's not the time to intervene or taunt the alpha pair...
Leave well alone and don't be mean... or else you must beware!

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.
My poetry website:

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Alpha Pair'.

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My Stephen Gayford poems are online here:

I buy the framed picture autographed prints from these UK websites: (on UK Freeview)


The tiger's tail swished left and right, to signal his concern.
The easy prey was in his sight, if startled, it would turn...
The tiger's whiskers twitched as well, with tension-troubled verve.
He stood transfixed, as in a spell, as if he'd lost his nerve.
By stealth, at first, the hunt began - his wild eyes stared ahead
And step-by-step, he formed his plan, in case his victim fled.
Escape routes noted, here and there, the obstacles nearby...
The times to leap up in the air and for a short time fly...
All his skills and his behaviour meant conscience was denied...
All the odds seemed in his favour. The fates seemed on his side.
He stood alone, no-one to blame, his burden, win or lose...
His heart was stone, his eyes aflame, the moment, his to choose...
The time was near, one minute more, the countdown now in force...
His every heartbeat keeping score, like tremblings in his paws...
What happened next was just a blur... A total pantomime...
All he could do was simply grrr! 'Cos he messed up, big time!

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.

My poetry website:

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Stealth'.

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My Stephen Gayford poems are online here:

I buy the framed picture autographed prints from these UK websites: (on UK Freeview)


The elephant was on the move,
Vivaciously, of course,
As if he had something to prove,
A legend to enforce.
With ears as big as suitcases
And tusks like scimitars,
He looked fierce at all those faces
That stared from jeeps and cars.
The tourists on safari
Could scarce believe their eyes...
This giant was a sight to see...
So ancient and so wise...
Their cameras clicked and clicked again,
As if a strategem,
To overcome their fears right then,
As he looked down on them.
A sudden move and he would charge,
Unchanged, untamed, born wild.
A raging bull, unleashed, at large -
He cared not if they smiled...
He was no dog that they could pet,
No gentle pussycat...
For he could make a cool man sweat
And make a brave man scat!
I've seen him run and then gain speed,
I've felt the trembling earth
And though you may think I'm a weed,
I ran for all I'm worth!
I left my camera somewhere...
It fell upon the ground...
God heard me pray the fastest prayer
Or I'd be Heaven-bound!
I've kept my distance from that day
And that's the Gospel Truth!
Keep out of the elephant's way,
Each time he's on the move!

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'On The Move'.
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My Stephen Gayford poems are online here:

I buy the framed picture autographed prints from these UK websites: (on UK Freeview)

Saturday, 20 June 2009


Before the sunshine starts to boil,
The creatures greet the day.
Though sunshine makes night eyes recoil,
Their sleep must melt away...
A new day dawns, a billion yawns
And weary legs arise...
Each antelope then swings his horns,
Each crocodile then cries...
The insect armies rally round,
For new food must be sought
And many stir beneath the ground
Where battles must be fought...
The lions rise up from their sleep
With focused eyes once more,
A constant vigil now to keep,
As if they're keeping score.
Gaze now upon each noble face
That lions wear with pride,
The grace we see can quite amaze,
Despite our fears inside!
The big cats mesmerise us all,
With utmost majesty!
When they stand up, they're six feet tall
And that's too tall for me!
Like us, the lions live on Earth
Beneath the sun and moon,
Each generation has its birth,
Replaced by others soon...
But while we're here, our turn to live,
We seek the common good.
Our stewardship helps us to give
And do the things we should.
The lions share their portion, too...
Each lion has his story
And to conclude, I say to you,
Let's share the morning glory...

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Morning Glory'.
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My Stephen Gayford poems are online here:

I buy the framed picture autographed prints from these UK websites: (on UK Freeview)


Two young lions surveyed the land
And paused to take it in,
As if the future could be planned,
So they would always win.
With hiding places here and there,
Shade from the burning sun
And danger spots they must beware,
Yet spaces they could run...
Life wasn't always hide and seek,
Life wasn't always bright...
For soon the day would pass its peak
And fade into the night...
Two young lions with lots to learn,
Exploring now and then.
When hunting, they must twist and turn
To help them catch again.
For now, they stood with dignity
And with a sense of pride...
Majestically and mightily,
As brothers, side-by-side.
Two young lions must carry on
The legacy of life,
Aware, they, too, will soon be gone,
Though battling to survive.
Their journey started years ago
When they were cubs at play...
Not knowing who was friend or foe,
Until they found their way...
Two young lions, aware, astute...
At one with Nature's Laws...
To children's eyes, they may look cute,
Yet watch those teeth and claws!
The young explorers hold no grudge
When things are fair and square.
Most of the time, they don't ask much...
They'll take the lions' share...

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Young Explorers'.
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My Stephen Gayford poems are online here:

I buy the framed picture autographed prints from these UK websites: (on UK Freeview)


Two young tigers stood side-by-side,
Facing the world assured...
With both their jaws now open wide,
With pride, the tigers roared!
The hunters snarled like angry kings
To all in their domain,
As if the rest were underlings
They must remind again...
They shared a sense of destiny,
Born free and yet what for?
To take their part in history!
To fill the world with awe!
To stand united, unafraid,
If challenged, not to fail.
Like living legends, undismayed,
Determined to prevail!
Like champions, to stand their ground,
Defiant to the end...
Two young tigers, the best around
And each the other's friend...
Brothers in arms and warriors,
Tenacious day and night,
Miraculous and glorious,
Both valiant inside.
Two sets of eyes, two sets of ears...
Two hearts that beat as one...
Their loyalty outlasts the years,
Through all that must be done...
Life's sometimes good, life's sometimes bad,
Life's sometimes inbetween...
For them, the future's ironclad...
If we don't intervene...

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Brothers In Arms'.
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My Stephen Gayford poems are online here:

I buy the framed picture autographed prints from these UK websites: (on UK Freeview)


At last, a place to hide away, cool refuge from the sun...
Some solitude, a chance to stay, where nothing much gets done.
A perfect spot meant to beguile the busy beasts on Earth,
No more to worry for a while, for what is worry worth?
The sun was fierce and in his face. Too close for comfort, friend.
The tiger tried to slow the pace till he was on the mend...
And once his ears heard nothing new, he slowly closed his eyes
And lowly breathed and time just flew and caught him by surprise.
The sun had moved across the sky, now tired, in retreat.
The tiger didn't question why the sky eye lost its heat.
Enough to know his cool refuge would soon be cooler still...
His change in mood would then be huge and end this passing thrill.
The tiger tarried in repose with great tranquillity
And gently scratched his tickled nose with tingling ecstasy...
One final hour in the shade... his refuge then grew cold.
The sad decision must be made, now that the day grew old...
So up he stood, with strength renewed, recharged and vibrant now
And thankful for this interlude, vowed to return... somehow...

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Cool Refuge'.
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My Stephen Gayford poems are online here:

I buy the framed picture autographed prints from these UK websites: (on UK Freeview)


The mother cheetah settled there,
With two cubs still in tow.
This was the time to shed her care,
Her tension and her woe.
The cubs looked timid, as did she,
Yet danger wasn't near.
In time, they found serenity
And lost all sense of fear.
Their hearts were beating gently now...
They nestled, sunshine-blessed...
Content to be at peace, somehow,
And thankful for the rest...
Togetherness makes life complete,
A morsel to enjoy...
A portion that makes life more sweet,
If wisdom we employ.
For life deserves a change of mood,
Not busy, draining power.
What creature always hunts for food
With every passing hour?
That's why the cheetahs found this place,
This haven in the sun,
This miracle they could embrace
Until the day was done...
Let others run and swim and fly,
Let others walk or crawl...
The cheetahs watched the day go by,
Spectators of it all.
The cubs were pleased, the day went well,
They must do this again...
This secret they must never tell...
Just visit... now and then...

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Cheetah Haven'.
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My Stephen Gayford poems are online here:

I buy the framed picture autographed prints from these UK websites: (on UK Freeview)


Behold the lion, the noble cat,
Defiant all day long.
The perfect, great aristocrat,
Majestic and so strong.
Profound provider for the pride,
Tenacious and extreme.
A fiercesome creature! Run and hide!
Don't stare as in a dream!
Adorned, he stands, with golden mane,
So regal and refined!
Up close, he snarls with bold disdain!
Why should he fear Mankind?
Perhaps you've studied in College
And learnt a thing or two...
Survival skills give him the edge...
He'll get the best of you!
Yes, courage is his middle name,
His bravery's well-known,
Each eye is like a fiery flame,
Each tooth is hard as stone.
Each claw extends as tension grows,
As instincts change his mood!
It's then the lion truly knows,
It's time to hunt for food...
Like him, I think I'll stay alert...
I think he'd understand
That I won't risk my getting hurt...
I'll never shake his hand!
I won't approach and stroke his fur
Or pat him on the head...
The only thing that would occur,
Is that I'd end up dead!

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Aristocrat'.
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My Stephen Gayford poems are online here:

I buy the framed picture autographed prints from these UK websites: (on UK Freeview)


The morning came, the eagle stirred, one leap to fly again.
The tourists smiled to watch this bird, the envy of all men.
For who has not at one time slept and sometime in the night,
Believed that if they also leapt, they, too, could rise in flight?
Within one dream, atop a hill, I ran and ran and ran...
And all at once I felt the thrill when my first flight began!
I left the hill, I left the Earth, to glide upon the sky...
It was as if my soul gave birth to something that could fly!
No holding back, I had to hurl myself upon the wave!
Like Superman and Supergirl, I flew as if by faith!
I knew just how the eagle felt, designed for higher things...
A better hand I had been dealt, transforming hands to wings!
Each time I see an eagle soar to heights beyond my eyes,
I realise what dreams are for, to simply mesmerise.
Today, each pilot flies above, content to do his best...
Just like the eagle that I love... God help them to be blessed...

Denis Martindale, copyright, May 2009.

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Eagle Watch'.
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My Stephen Gayford poems are online here:

I buy the framed picture autographed prints from these UK websites: (on UK Freeview)


The tiger rested in the sun without a single care...
Without the need to hunt or run, this sense of peace was rare.
The tiger wasted none of this, it just went with the flow...
Partaking of its share of bliss and in its afterglow.
The afternoon was on its way, no danger and no qualm.
No enemies to keep at bay, no reason for alarm.
The tiger didn't understand this sudden change of pace,
This Shangri-La, this Wonderland, this blessing or this grace.
Why question what seemed meant to be? Why fret when all goes well?
Be thankful for serenity, enjoy it for a spell.
The tiger's heart was tranquil, too. Its rhythm matched the mood.
As if in safety in a zoo where Man provides the food.
You could call this a sanctuary, a dream within a dream...
A pleasant place that's fancy free where nothing is extreme...
The tiger thought it Paradise it knew it couldn't keep...
And so it simply closed its eyes, thanked God and went to sleep...

Denis Martindale, copyright, May 2009.

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Indian Sanctuary'.
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My Stephen Gayford poems are online here:

I buy the framed picture autographed prints from these UK websites: (on UK Freeview)


At last, I've made it here again. I'm making waves once more!
How long it's been, I can't say when because I'm not quite sure...
Us tigers like to strut our stuff, to wander fancy free...
Enjoying life, enjoying love! I think most would agree...
As tigers, we can live like lords, no matter where we are.
Whether it's crossing streams or fords, we're nobles, near or far!
That's why I'm here, to make it known, not hiding out of sight.
I'm not afraid, no need to groan, no reason now to fight.
I'm making waves, let others stare, it's time to have some fun!
It's time to show I just don't care... Perhaps it's too much sun...
When water looks as cool as this and sparkles crystal clear,
I tell you that it's perfect bliss, pure paradise, my dear!
I'm making waves, I'm feeling great, I'm here to seize the day!
Before the streams evaporate, let's take the time to play...
We may not be so blessed next time. Find time for fun, somehow!
Life needn't be an uphill climb... Let's take advantage! NOW!

Denis Martindale, copyright, May 2009.
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The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Making Waves'.

My Stephen Gayford poems are online here:

I buy the framed picture autographed prints from these UK websites: (on UK Freeview)


The prowler lurks, the prowler stalks, the prowler softly treads.
The tiger smirks, the tiger walks, the tiger tension spreads.
The forest king intently stares... he feels the prey is close.
With every step, he shows he cares, for suddenly he knows.
It's time for him to concentrate, to focus with his mind.
For soon he must accelerate, to catch up from behind.
His muscles poised, his eyes alert, his ears now tuning in.
In seconds, he may quickly spurt, to race and then to win.
His heart beats wildly for the chase his instincts have foretold.
His prey will feel his warm embrace and yet it's cruel and cold...
He salivates for memories now come to his recall.
They torture him as if they tease, for who knows if he'll fall?
He doesn't always win the game that Nature makes him play.
Each hunt's unique and not the same, sometimes they get away...
He's hungry now... the forest king, the prowler on the path...
The ruler not the underling, who kills on his behalf.
Beware this mighty fiercesome one, he's not afraid of you...
If you see him, it's time to run... I know that's what I'd do...

Denis Martindale, copyright, May 2009.
Shared on

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'The Prowler'.

My Stephen Gayford poems are online here:

I buy the framed picture autographed prints from these UK websites: (on UK Freeview)


The wily wolf deserves respect.
Some children think it's cute...
But most of us, I would suspect,
Are somewhat more astute!
The wolf is wild, no fast-formed friend,
Untamed by modern man.
It doesn't seek to comprehend
What humans want to plan...
The wolf is wary all the time,
To every sound it hears.
Its instincts are, of course, sublime,
Whenever danger nears!
The wolf survives cold Winter's spell...
Determined day-by-day...
To bide its time, then howl, 'Farewell!'
When Spring is here to stay!
The wolf delights in Summer's heat
With all that this entails -
For then, its speed is hard to beat,
In fact, it rarely fails.
The wolf is known to howl at night,
To serenade the moon...
This wailing noise can cause us fright
And some of us to swoon...
The wolf won't change to suit Mankind...
It's lived without his aid.
A wilder creature's hard to find.
The legends never fade.
The wolf is callous to the core,
Like any hunting beast.
Each bloodied tooth, each bloodied claw
Proves hunting hasn't ceased.
The wily wolf has cubs to feed,
The future to preserve...
It doesn't kill for hate or greed...
Just life upon this Earth...

Denis Martindale, copyright, May 2009.
Shared on

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Arctic Beauty'.

The Gayford poems can be viewed here:

The framed pictures are bought from these UK websites: (on UK Freeview)


Something stirred and it stopped him still...
Tiger ever ready.
For him, this was no pleasant thrill...
Ears alert and steady.
Survival starts inside the heart...
Dramatically it screams!
Impulsive thoughts then shout, 'Depart! ',
To flee as fast as dreams!
For now, he waits a second noise,
So he can find its source.
He seems defenceless, without choice,
But he's a tour de force!

A single leap, then he'll be gone!
Try then to track him down!
His camouflage goes on and on,
Those stripes of great renown...
His eyes stare out like focused fire,
Like lazer beams ahead!
To any beasts that would conspire
To plan to see him dead!
Something stirred and his stripes must stay,
Exactly where he is...
It's not the time to run away,
As if life's hit and miss.

His instincts, raw as rattlesnakes,
Tell him to stand his ground...
He doesn't care how long it takes.
He waits that second sound!
Then, suddenly, it's to his right!
He leaps towards escape!
And all at once, he's out of sight!
No more a solid shape!
As fast as lightning cross the sky,
The tiger speeds away!
The wily one has passed Death by...
To live another day!

Denis Martindale, copyright, May 2009.

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Something Stirred'.

My poetry website is

The poem has been shared on

The Gayford poems can be viewed here:

The framed pictures are bought from these websites: (on Freeview)


To some, the tiger looks so cute,
With so much feline charm...
But when the tiger's in pursuit,
Who knows who'll come to harm?
Although the tiger's face looks sweet,
It hides sharp teeth that bite!
He's not a cat to meet and greet
Or bravely choose to fight!
It's true, the tiger loves his friends
And welcomes them with glee...
And yet, that's where all friendship ends -
So I'd prefer to flee!
I'd soon be off, if he were close!
Too close for comfort's sake!
I'd soon be standing on my toes -
I'd run, make no mistake!
Perhaps the tiger could be tamed...
Fried chicken, bacon, chops?
I'm out of those! I could be maimed!
Too late to call the cops!
I'm on my own! I'm on my Todd!
I'm off, without a doubt!
Quite frantic, friends, I'd pray to God!
'Dear Lord! Please help me out!'
I'd not be praying on my knees
Or talking politics...
I'd not be swapping recipes
Or teaching tiger tricks!
I'd not attempt to stroke his fur
And smile with winsome grin!
My little legs would be a blur!
I'd scat to save my skin!
I've never been where tigers hunt
Or sunbathed where they roam!
And frankly, friends, to be quite blunt,
Scared stiff, I'd stay at home!

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Tiger Pursuit'.

My poetry website is

The poem has been shared on

The Gayford poems can be viewed here:

The framed pictures are bought from these websites: (on Freeview)

Friday, 19 June 2009


Two lions fought beneath the sun...
Their teeth as sharp as nails
And when their fight was truly done,
One lion tipped the scales.
The other lion fled the scene
And no more would return.
Though savage, wounded, no more keen
The mightier to learn.
The undefeated lion stood
And watched the loser leave.
He didn't think himself as good
And yet he didn't grieve.
This was their way for centuries,
Their ancient remedy.
Their battles for supremecies
Would end each mystery.
They'd never choose alternatives,
Their code they'd never flout.
No matter if one dies, one lives...
They'd fight to end the doubt.
Thus courage burns within their veins...
Volcanoes borne of rage.
Only the winner truly gains
The right to centre stage.
In truth, the winner takes it all.
The loser has no pride.
Although once mighty, doomed to fall,
Then to be cast aside.
Two lions fought beneath the sun...
For them, it was too late,
For soon, there'd only be the one
Who'd live to celebrate.
Each battle scar that's brought to mind,
Reminds him of this day...
The courage he was forced to find...
The price he had to pay...

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'The Lion King'.

My poetry website is

The poem has been shared on

The Gayford poems can be viewed here:

The framed pictures are bought from these websites: (on Freeview)


Elusive is his middle name...
He is so hard to catch.
In fact, this is his claim to fame,
That few big cats can match.
You may find one, or maybe two,
Or three, or four or more,
If you can search the whole day through
And you can bear the chore...
Yet this is when the magic starts,
But then it takes control
And burns a memory in men's hearts,
Each spirit and each soul...
Find your spot, then keep safe distance...
To see him in his prime,
As if he were a noble prince,
With whom to share your time.
Beyond the beauty Nature gives,
Add speed and strength and style.
Once you have seen the way he lives,
Add to these, grace and guile.
Behold his features, how he moves,
The way he interacts,
His hunting skills, as he improves,
According to the facts.
Consider quickly, while you can,
For soon he will be gone...
He does not live as long as Man,
Whose legacy lives on...
Elusive creatures do their best,
Surviving day-by-day...
If what he does, leaves you impressed,
Leave him to live... OK?

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.

The poem is based on the magnificent 'big cat' painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Elusive'.

My poetry website is

The poem has been shared on

The Gayford poems can be viewed here:

The framed pictures are bought from these websites: (on Freeview)


The tigress took her time this day...
Her cub was close at hand
And that was how they chose to stay,
As though it had been planned.
Togetherness brings tenderness,
Life-bonding to and fro.
Togetherness means gentleness
And friendship that can grow.
Together now, not separate,
As if it couldn't end.
For now, the cub looked delicate,
A fragile, feline friend...
The sun looked on with watchful eye,
To glide passed up above.
The tigress seemed to pause and sigh,
To signify their love...
Today's the day these two must bond,
Forever, from now on.
To think of now and not beyond,
When peace has come and gone...
Devotion forms a daily gift
That hovers from the heart
And gives another's heart a lift,
And yet that's just the start...
For love endures, though seasons fade,
As months melt into years...
Love steers the course of plans we've made,
Beyond our doubts and fears.
The tigress tries to do her best -
In all things, she's superb.
If by her love, you've been impressed...
Stand back... and don't disturb...

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Devoted Mother'.

My poetry website is

The poem has been shared on

The Gayford poems can be viewed here:

The framed pictures are bought from these websites: (on Freeview)

Thursday, 18 June 2009


The awesome tiger walked close by, without a single clue,
For I was hidden, safe and dry and there my wonder grew.
This spectacle that few have seen and lived to tell the tale,
Was so majestic, so serene, perhaps an alpha male...
He strode this Earth as though a king, as if to be obeyed...
As if some tribute I should bring, his wrath to be outweighed.
As if the champion of the chase, instead of random chance,
His every move exuded grace, as if life were a dance.
His stripes were like venetian blinds, like slit slats on his fur.
Up close, they were like warning signs, my death could soon occur.
My body, like a statue, stayed, immobile, locked in time...
The deadliest game I ever played was awesome, quite sublime.
He was the cat, I was the mouse... existing side-by-side.
The aim, of course, was just to browse. My eyes browsed open wide!
His body passed beyond my gaze, his tail swished left and right...
And with that parting of our ways, my heart filled with delight...
It was as if Death knew my name, yet couldn't claim me then!
I know I'll never be the same! Halleluyah... and... Amen!

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Awesome'.
It's part of the Global Collection...

My poetry website is
The poem has been shared on

The Gayford poems can be viewed here:

The framed pictures are bought from these websites: (on Freeview)

Wednesday, 17 June 2009


The bright white tiger stood his ground,
Surveying here and there...
His forehead looked as if he frowned,
So tense and full of care.
Like Indians with warpaint on,
His face was one to fear.
Like fur with tattoos etched upon,
He'd won his stripes, my dear...
This wondrous creature made me pause...
As if to memorise...
As if forgetting teeth and claws
And only seeing eyes...
Those eyes, like circles of the soul...
Like marbles of the mind...
Those eyes, like sapphires, dark as coal...
And yet what lurked behind?
While beauty glorified this beast,
I knew his nature well.
I'd seen him hunt, I'd seen him feast...
The tales that I could tell!
For now, I watched him silently,
Because he didn't know.
If he found out, then certainly,
That was the time to go.
How long would tigers like him last?
So wondrous to behold!
Ferocious, feisty and so fast,
With callous heart so cold.
Not one of us is meant to stay...
We're born, we live, we die.
To live and let live, that's my way.
Let others judge, not I...

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'White Menace'.

I wrote this on seeing the White Menace framed print
imagining what it would be like to be near this creature.
Artist Stephen Gayford captures the animal's mystique:

Shared on


The Gayford poems can be viewed here:

The framed pictures are bought from these websites:

(bid tv is on UK Freeview and Sky Digital)


My poetry website is

I also have poems on


Here is one of my poems which has been quoted on various websites:


Beauty is upon you like the rose without a thorn.
Beauty is upon you like the dew on grass each morn.
Beauty is upon you like the sapphire shining sea.
Beauty is upon you like the apple on the tree.

Beauty is upon you like the sunshine on the Earth.
Beauty is upon you like the day God granted birth.
Beauty is upon you like the wings on butterflies.
Beauty is upon you like the grace that God supplies.

Beauty is upon you like the diamond wedding ring.
Beauty is upon you like the season known as Spring.
Beauty is upon you like the little lambs that play.
Beauty is upon you like the snow on Christmas Day.

Beauty is upon you like the rainbows up above.
Beauty is upon you like the sentimental dove.
Beauty is upon you like the young bird new to flight.
Beauty is upon you like the shooting stars each night.

Beauty is upon you like the dolphins as they leap.
Beauty is upon you like the peace that comes with sleep.
Beauty is upon you like ten thousand whispering sighs.
Beauty is upon you like true love that never dies...

Beauty is upon you like true love that never dies...
Beauty is upon you like true love that never dies...

Denis Martindale, copyright July 2001.


I'm currently working on promoting Stephen Gayford.

He is a wildlife artist whose paintings are sold as prints:

These UK Shopping sites sometimes have Art Evenings.

I watch the broadcasts on Sky Digital and Freeview TV.

My 2009 Stephen Gayford poems are here:


A Google image search for Stephen Gayford will show the artwork.

Lions and tigers are my favourites... so far...

August 2009 UPDATE:

Bid tv is on the TWITTER website and a link to my poems

was posted there:

Love Stephen Gayford? Here is a link to poetry inspired by
Stephen Gayford’s prints -written by one of our customers.

7:41 AM Jun 3rd 2009 from TweetDeck

Thank you for sharing that link to the poemhunter website!

Regards, Denis Martindale, August 2009.



Masterpieces for the masses!
Loved lithographs! Sweet prints!
A treasure trove of canvasses
With wondrous shades and tints.
Consider how this painter hopes
To capture all he can.
Reflect on how he always copes
And stays the artisan.
With finite detail to control,
To share his point of view,
This artist has a special soul,
A noble spirit, too.
Rejecting basics and extremes,
Perfection to create.
Respecting quintessential dreams
And so encapsulate...
It's finished, no more need to fuss!
What glory this achieves!
Rejoicing in what's done for us,
That each, in time, receives.
There's joy as we anticipate
This craftsman's artistry!
Yes, all things come to those that wait...
Yet patience is the key...
How many paintings Stephen's done,
In truth, I cannot say,
Yet he portrays a sense of fun
At work, at home, at play...
If you're like me, you've got a few
To beautify your home...
So, Stephen, thank you! God bless you!
Wherever you may roam...

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2009.

My poetry website:

The poem is based on the magnificent paintings by artist
Stephen Gayford, as featured on UK Freeview's bid tv.

The poem has been shared on this website:

The Gayford paintings poems can be viewed here:

And here

The framed pictures are bought from these UK websites: (on UK Freeview) helps me keep a backup of my poetry.

I recently found helpful resources online eg spelling and grammar.

Various spelling options eg US English or British English...

I like websites offering fonts to download.

I like fonts such as for calligraphy representation.

I explain these options here:

Some of my poetry has been published in magazines,

local papers and on TV and Radio and mostly published


I email the poems to these addresses:

With copies to my own email accounts for reference.

I usually write with a common metre hymn style.

That means 8 syllables then 6 then 8 then 6 again.

It isn't always rhyming verse... sometimes it's free style.

But getting to the finish means reading the poetry a lot!

I hope that I can offer a change of mood or an insight.

I have attended Creative Writing classes to learn more.

So many different approaches to writing and presentation.

I have websites of my own where I can display no adverts.

I think these are much better presentations and easy to print.

Nowadays, surfers can highlight, copy and paste text anyway.

Word processors can then help with fonts and special effects.

The longest writing projects have been short stories...

Science fiction is fascinating and I watch several TV series.

I like sharing my poetry with the UK's Gospel TV channels, too.

One of the hardest things as a writer is waiting for publishers.

I know they're busy... but my poems only take a few minutes!

Come on, you guys! Yes or no? It's not rocket science, is it?